In early May, Austin Ridge Riders hosted a work day at Walnut Creek Metro Park following a flash flood event. The crew opened up the outflow at the main creek crossing to lower the water level. Large stones were used to armor the bank of the creek, which helps protect root systems from soil erosion. There is a large walnut tree which is at risk of falling into the creek, and if it goes, the entire wall ride feature behind it will be destroyed by the root ball.

Water displaced large boulders which provided a dry path for pedestrians, a wading area for dogs, and a shallow crossing for bikes. A San Angelo bar helps provide leverage and move the boulders around. A cargo net and GripHoist™ is used to move these boulders with hardly any effort. The hoist we were using is rated for 2000 lbs and they can use any length of cable. ARR occasionally provides training sessions like this one for builders who want to learn how to use this tool.

It took the trail crew only 3 hours to restore this creek crossing, but there were a few follow up work days to add even more stone armoring to the bank of the creek.

If you're interested in participating in trail work days, follow Austin Ridge Riders on Facebook, Instagram or Meetup.

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